Tootak operation is the critical story of brutalities:
BSO Azad

Tootak operation is the critical story of brutalities

BSO Azad

The spokesperson of Baloch Students Organization Azad said that despite 11 years of enforced disappearances of more than dozens of aged and youths, including 5 members of the organization, were enforcedly disappeared during the military operations in Tootak area of Khuzdar, thousands of political activists from Balochistan are missing after several years. The brutalities of forces and death squads have turned the lives of thousands of families into mercenaries. The unending crimes of the forces is intensifying in Balochistan after every day. The series of abducting young and old people from their homes and throwing their mutilated bodies, which began a decade ago, is not only continued until now but getting intensified after day by day.

The spokesperson said that during the Tootak operation on 18th of February in 2011, the forces enforcedly disappeared more than a dozen of unarmed Baloch including the aged and youth of Qalandarani family, along with BSO Azad members Aurangzeb, Aftab, Waseem and Atique ur Rehman Qalandarani counting the 70 year-old Mohammad Raheem, Fida Ahmed, Nisar Ahmed, Dr. Mohammad Tahir, Nadeem Baloch and Khalil ur Rehman who are missing till now. Apart from them, multifold other youths of Tootak belonging to the same family have also been reported disappeared from the other cities and more than a dozen have been martyred during various operations. Mass graves were also discovered in Tootak in 2013 which contained at least 160 corpses of people. The forces took these corpses into their custody and kept them veiled from the media and locals, which has created a number of concerns in the minds of the families of missing persons.

BSO Azad lamented the insignificance of the international community towards all the disappearances of the Baloch missing persons including the missing political activists and said that the silence of the responsible institutions was giving the state forces the power to use force against the Baloch. Thousands of political activists and civilians have been forcibly disappeared and executed in the use of force against them. BSO Azad called on international agencies on justice to take immediate measures to play their part in stopping the Baloch genocide and recovering the missing persons.

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