Editorial Balochistan:- The contemporary situation and our responsibilities

Balochistan:- The contemporary situation and our responsibilities

Balochistan, the native land of Baloch people have become a conflicted and war zone since the forceful occupation of Pakistan on March 27, 1948. Baloch have never accepted this forceful merger and up till now resisting against the occupying power by all means as per United Nations charter. Being a colonizer, Pakistan is directly involved in gross human rights violations in Balochistan. Genocide of Baloch people is continuing on Baloch land with all its intensification. Pakistan, with all its machinery is utilizing each and every tactic to prolong the colonial era and

Pakistan have violated all sort of Human Rights clauses mentioned in the charter of United Nations. Balochistan have become a blackhole for both local and international media, as coverage of all these violations is prohibited by Pakistani authorities. All sort of political activism has been banned by Pakistani authorities and thousands of political activists have become the victim of enforced disappeared in a decade. Pakistani army has killed and massacred thousands of activists. Thousands of unidentified bodies have been found in mass graves as Pakistani forces killed and dumped thousands of people on barren land.

Enforced disappearance and turning the people into dungeons has become a usual process in Balochistan. Till now almost forty-five thousand people are missing in Balochistan and continuation of these policies with much intensity is leading toward worst human crises in Balochistan. Recently, Pakistani authorities have started a new policy of killing the missing persons in fake encounters and till now have almost hundred innocent missing persons have been executed in a year.

Pakistan, being a colonizer is just looting the natural resources of Balochistan at the cost of Baloch lives. So, whenever a natural disaster occurs in the region it led toward killing of thousands of Baloch people. Either it become the earthquake of 2013 in Awaran district or recent flooding in Balochistan, the disasters have taken the lives of thousands of people. Recently due to heavy rains, flood occurred throughout Balochistan and administratively parted Baloch Majority areas such as Dera Ghazi Khan have killed thousands of and forced millions of people to migrate from their native land. Yet, Pakistani authorities with the trait of a colonizer didn’t even bother to rescue people as Pakistan’s prime policy is just to loot or kill.

Baloch people and Pakistan have no other relations instead of colonizer and colonized. So, Pakistan in order to sustain its colonial legacy use all means to hinder the way of Baloch freedom Movement. In order to counter the freedom movement, if Pakistan have to do the collective genocide of Baloch people then Pakistan will not hesitate to do so. Pakistan have started the genocide of Baloch nation and this genocide is occurring in various forms. Baloch are being rotten in Pakistani concentration camps, bullet riddled bodies are being found throughout Balochistan, missing persons are being killed cold bloodedly in fake encounters and millions of people are being killed with contagious and viral diseases, road accidents and natural disasters.

Actually, we as a nation must not accept empathy from Pakistani authorities because every tactic mentioned above is being implement in a systematic way. Genocide of Baloch people in form of diseases or natural disasters is of Pakistan’s interest. We must have to understand the Pakistani policies for eradication of Baloch people from their native land Balochistan. As a nation we are living in colonial so we must have to unite ourselves against this colonialism. Because colonialism is the root of each and every misfortune.

So, it’s the need of hour for Baloch people to unite against colonialism and become the part of Baloch national struggle. An independent and sovereign Balochistan is the ultimate guarantor for safety, security and prosperity of Baloch nation.

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