March 27, 1948: The Black Day for Balochistan

On March 27, 1948, a significant event occurred in the history of Balochistan. This was the day when Balochistan, a sovereign state, was annexed by Pakistan against its will. Since then, Pakistan has been trying to maintain its occupation by force and genocide of the Baloch people. The actions leading to this day were characterized by dishonesty, force, and treachery, carried out by Pakistani leaders to subdue the Baloch people.
The Baloch people’s fight for independence began firstly in 1839 when the British were occupying Kalat State, and Mir Mehrab Khan resisted till his last breath and got martyrdom for the land of Balochistan. After the British invaded, Kalat was divided into British Balochistan and Kalat State. British announced its departure from the subcontinent and an end to its rule on 15 August 1947, but before that, on 11 August, the British accepted the independence of Balochistan.
Later in 1947, Jinnah met with the Khan of Kalat in Dhadar, intending to persuade him to merge Balochistan into the Pakistani federation in the name of one religion. Despite the proposal being rejected by both houses, the lower house in December 1947 and the Lower House in February 1948 of the Parliament of Kalat but Jinnah continued his efforts to annex Balochistan.
When the Baloch leaders refused to join Pakistan, Jinnah used deception and manipulation. On March 17, 1948, he managed to convince some Baloch leaders, including Jam Ghulam Qadir, Nawab Ghulam Khan Gichki, and Bai Khan Gichki to announce their accession to Pakistan, ignoring the majority’s wishes.
The forceful occupation of Balochistan by Pakistan, with the assistance of British generals and Jinnah, was an illegal act that violated international standards and the democratic institutions of the Baloch state. Despite letters of objection from the Baloch leaders, the Pakistani government persisted in its territorial expansion.
On March 26, 1948, the Pakistani army invaded, taking control of districts such as Kech and Panjgur, while the navy secured coastal areas. The next day, March 27, 1948, saw the harsh occupation of Kalat City, the capital of Balochistan, as Pakistani forces used force to subdue the Baloch people.
Following the occupation, the Baloch people began a lengthy struggle against subjugation. Prince Abdul Karim, with a group of people, started a war against Pakistani accession in 1948, Babu Nouraz and General Sheerof marri with others in 1958, 1963, 1973, and so on with different leaders leading the insurgencies against Pakistan occupation. Prince Abdul Karim and Babu Nouraz were tricked by Pakistani government in the name of Quran who came down from mountains for dialogue but were arrested by Pakistani officials. Baloch remained committed to their pursuit of freedom and continued its struggle for independence from Pakistan occupation.
During the decades-long struggle, thousands of Baloch activists were killed, abducted, or disappeared by Pakistani forces by using different policies, like kill and Dump, fake encounter, and extra-judicial killing. The harsh treatment of the Pakistani state towards Baloch population, including the destruction of homes and livelihoods, highlighted the continuous oppression they faced.
Despite obstacles and challenges, the Baloch resistance remained strong, continually reorganizing and resisting the occupation. The commemoration of March 27 as a Black Day serves as a solemn reminder of the injustices suffered by the Baloch people and their ongoing fight for freedom.
Today, the call for a Free Balochistan remains strong among the Baloch people. Their unwavering determination and resilience in the face of adversity symbolize the spirit of a nation fighting for its sovereignty and independence. As the Baloch people continue to observe March 27 as a day of mourning and resistance, their fight for freedom echoes both locally and internationally, highlighting the enduring pursuit of freedom and self-determination.
The occupying Pakistani State is fighting a purposeless war in Balochistan. Baloch will never surrender to occupying Pakistani State. At this time, there is a dire need for the Baloch youth, accepting their slave status, become part of the ongoing movement for the restoration of the free state of Balochistan. Whereas the world should accept the freedom of Balochistan instead of closing its eyes and ignoring the struggle of Balochistan and arming Pakistan, which is necessary for peace and stability of this region.

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