Pakistan Army has enforcedly disappeared four persons of a family from Awaran.
Baloch Students Organization Azad

Pakistan Army has enforcedly disappeared four persons of a family from Awaran.

Baloch Students Organization Azad

The spokesperson of BSO-Azad in a statement condemned the enforced disappearance of four persons of a family from Teertaj, Awaran. The sit-in protest against enforced disappearances and fake encounters of Baloch missing persons has been continuing in Quetta for four days but on the other hand oppression of Pakistani forces has been intensified day by day.

The spokesperson in the statement said, on 21st July 2022 Pakistani forces abducted and disappeared an aged man Sawali along with his two sons Bahot, Naseer Baloch, and a cousin named Rafeeq Baloch from the Teertej area of Awaran District. Throughout Balochistan but specifically, district Awaran has faced the worst form of oppression by Pakistani forces. Due to such sort of oppression, thousands of families have been forced to migrate and dislocate from their native lands. Along with people from Awaran, thousands of families from Kohlu and Dera Bugti have also been dislocated and migrated to various other cities.
International Human Rights Organizations must consider their responsibilities and take action against the gross HR violations in Balochistan. Such cases of enforced disappearance and fake encounters have intensified over the last decade. If HR organizations didn’t consider their role and responsibilities then there are more likely chances of the worst form of national genocide in Balochistan.

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