Die, Rot, Decompose, fate of an oppressed nation By: Jamal Baloch

Die, Rot, Decompose, fate of an oppressed nation

By: Jamal Baloch

The Recent incident in Ziarat has cracked the Earth beneath the feet of the entire Baloch Nation.
As Nine Balochs were ruthlessly massacred by the Pakistani army and claimed to be terrorists.
All those Nine-Killed Balochs were student doctors and the future of this oppressed nation but like the rest, they too become the victims of enforced disappearances.

Also, There are eyewitnesses of all of the enforcedly disappeared men who were later termed, terrorists. Many amongst them were reported and their cases were registered in Balochistan court. The committer of such a heinous crime did not even bother to apply their reasoning before terming them, terrorists.
The State of Pakistan, from head to toe, is not only a failed and corrupt state but also immoral and unethical, it sees no holidays, rituals, and cultural conventions, but just drags the Baloch from any time anywhere. Since the occupation, Balochs have been facing the worst inhuman crisis on their sacred land.

Such as, in a recent incident, On the night of 12th July, an on-service high-rank military official of the Pakistan army Col Laeeq Baig Mirza along with his cousin Umer Javed was taken into custody by Baloch Liberation Army. In search of Col Laeeq and his cousin, the Pakistani Army searched the whole area of district Ziarat to rescue them. Later on the next day, col Laeeq and his cousin’s dead bodies were found in ziarat. As a result, the Pakistani Army killed Nine-Baloch Missing persons as avenging Col Laeeq and his cousin, by stating a fake statement that all these Nine Killed Baloch men were involved in the Killing of Colonel Laeeq.

In Addition, The Baloch Liberation Army had denounced these victims as their members, stating that, “they had no connection with them and all its members who carried out the operation are safe and secure”.
Meanwhile, On the other hand, Voice for Baloch missing persons (a non-governmental organization, that works for the recovery of Baloch missing persons) along with the deceased bodies’ families refused to accept this false allegation and said that they all were missing persons, who were enforcedly disappeared in front of eyewitnesses. The families said that they had filed their cases in Balochistan high court. Further, they added that they had registered their names on VBMP’S list, and held press conferences, Twitter trends, and protests. They claimed that they have all the evidence.

Following the cold-blooded murder of their beloveds, the victim families along with BYC, VBMP, Baloch student organizations, and civil activists staged a demonstration in the red zone area, Quetta. Today marks the 22nd day of this demonstration, yet, still, they have been ignored and unheard.

Further, Nine of the missing persons who were killed in Ziarat’s fake encounter are identified as Martyr Mama Shams Satakzai who enforcedly disappeared in 2017 and since then he was in Pakistani LEAS custody. The second person was identified as Martyr Shehzad Dehwar who was abducted by LEAS on 4 June 2022. Shahzad Baloch’s family held a press conference in the ongoing demonstration against the fake encounters of ziarat operation. The family said that Shahzad was under custody for more than a month. Pakistani Army has killed Shahzad in a fake encounter and now they are threatening them through multiple tactics.

The third innocent soul who was killed in a fake encounter of ziarat operation was identified as Martyr Salim Karim. Salim Karim Karim was a student and a resident of Balgatar (kech). He allegedly disappeared on 18 April 2022, when he was on his way to Quetta.
Another killed person was identified as Doctor Mukhtiar Baloch, who enforcedly disappeared on 11 June 2022. And since then his whereabouts remained unknown. Also, Shah bakhsh marri and Jumma khan were identified as the sixth and seventh martyrs of the ziarat fake encounter incident respectively. Both of them were abducted by LEAS.

Additionally, Against the Ziarat fake Encounters and for the safe release of Baloch missing persons the demonstration in front Governor’s house in Quetta includes the following demands,
1: To form a judicial commission against the ziarat incident and bring the culprits before the court.
2: Bring back all missing persons.
3: To ensure the other missing person’s families that their loved ones would not be killed in fake encounters or so.

Furthermore, the Pakistani state is directly involved in Baloch Genocide and it is practicing its heinous crime to eliminate Baloch’s national identity, culture, History, and existence. From plundering Baloch national resources to dumping thousands of dead bodies in the abyss, this heartless state never ceases to abandon its cruel policies. Pakistani unsophistication remains full-fledged. To reach its desired target (The target based on looting and plundering) this state has been spending more than half of its formal economy and a surplus share than the previous one of its informal economy and its heavy machinery, to disperse Balochs from the idea of self-determination, But, Baloch has been resisting against such atrocities for decades. Therefore, State has been applying various tactics to counter the Baloch National Struggle, thus, therefore, throughout the years, State has been changing the shape of its brutalities. Though State has put all its energy to counter the Baloch by applying its worst war crimes on Baloch.

Now, The State of Pakistan has applied another tool in the name of CTD (Counter-terrorism department) and in contemporary times it is the driving force of Baloch Genocide.

CTD was first established in 2010 as an equivalent force to police and it was just limited to investigations. But later on, it started to cause of Baloch Genocide. On 7 March 2021, CTD killed Five missing persons in a fake encounter in Mastung and declared them to the members of Baloch insurgent groups. This fake accusation was rejected by the victim’s families, as they added that they were in the Pakistani Army’s custody for so long. Eyewitnesses said that they were abducted in front of them by the Pakistani Army. Those five victims were named; Yousaf marri, Shah Nazar marri, Arif Marri, Jamil Pirkani, and Samiullah Pirkani.
According to Family sources, Yousaf Marri was abducted on 27 Nov 2020 from Jaladi and Arif Marri disappeared on 28 Feb 2021 from Quetta. Also, Arif Marri and Yousaf Marri were cousins. Shah Nazar Marri disappeared by Army in December 2020 from harnai. Whereas, Jamil Pirkani and Samiullah Pirkani were abducted on 18 January 2021 from Quetta. Some Sources after this incident claimed that Pakistani high-rank officials had demanded ransoms for two of the missing persons as reciprocity but due to financially constrained conditions the family couldn’t afford to pay them.

CTD further continued its evil crimes when further they claimed to kill four alleged terrorists in the Marawadh area of Balochistan. Solid pieces of evidence proved that they were all missing persons, who were abducted by LEAS from different areas. The martyrs were named; Ali Baig, Murad khan, Mazarani Marri, and Murad Bakhsh. The fake encounter snatched four innocent souls but ironically, the silence of Human rights organizations over such events further intensified the Pakistani Army’s confidence to act accordingly.

The barbarism of CTD further intensified when On 23rd October 2021 another agonizing incident took place again in Mastung, as CTD officials asserted the killing of 9 militants. Unlike the previous fake encounters, this event was too disapproved by the Baloch masses, and proclaimed that it was yet another occurrence of the policy of “Fake Encounters”. Time and again, CTD got involved in hundreds of people’s killings in different areas of Balochistan.

Thus, We Baloch have witnessed UN peacekeeping missions sent to South Korea to liberate its Land from foreign invasion and safeguarding human rights. We saw NATO’s peacekeeping missions in the first Arab war. But, we wonder about their silence on the gross human rights violations in Balochistan. The world and the UN must know Pakistan is a threat to the entire region and it must be held accountable for its war crimes.

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