The Philosophy of Martyrdom paves the way for Freedom

The Philosophy of Martyrdom paves the way for Freedom

Sagaar Baloch

Across the globe, various days are observed on legacies; for instance, February 21 is known as International Mother Language Day (Declared when Bengali students were killed-cum-martyred during their protest for the declaration of their mother language as the national language). The Baloch also have different days designated for their respective historical perspectives. As Baloch have March 2 for Baloch Culture Day, August 11 as Freedom of Balochistan (From the British), March 27 as Black Day (Occupied by Pakistan), December 21 as Baloch Women’s Day (Martyrdom Day of Banuk Karima Baloch) and November 13 as #BalochMartyrsDay.
Living nations never forget their martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their national cause. Baloch is also a nation that has not forgotten its national martyrs. Every oppressor has tried to rush in and occupy Balochistan, but the Baloch nation has resisted all the oppressors in every era.
The Day of November 13 was declared the Baloch Martyrs Day by Baloch Students Organization-AZAD (BSO-AZAD) in 2010 at Atta Shad Degree College Turbat in a Central Committee Meeting of the Organization. Because when the British intended to occupy Balochistan and enslave the Baloch nation, Mir Mehrab Khan (The then Khan-i-Baloch), with his 300 companions, resisted the British oppressors and embraced martyrdom at Kalat Balochistan on November 13, 1839.
Remembering the martyrs who sacrificed their valuable lives for the sake of their nation is imperative for any living nation. Baloch, as a nation, commemorates its national martyrs every year since the only true way to follow the legacy and philosophy of the martyrs is by remembering them and following the ideology of martyrdom they left for us.
Baloch is a nation that has resisted any oppressor and achieved martyrdom against the oppressors but has never kneeled before the oppressors. Following the legacy of Martyrs, Mir Mehrab Khan and his companions resisted the British colonizers with vigor until they were martyred.
Similarly, the Baloch have resisted the Pakistani occupation from day one. In the meantime, hundreds and thousands of Baloch sons of the soil have chosen martyrdom for the greater cause of liberation. And their legacy is being followed by generation after generation with enthusiasm.
There are a lot of Baloch martyrs against the Pakistani Army and Pakistani colonizers. From Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti to Martyr Fidaeen Shari (Aka Bramsh), the Baloch have always chosen the path of resistance. Not only men but women have sacrificed themselves for the Baloch national cause. I may not be able to name every Baloch national martyr, but every Baloch martyr is a subject of pride for us.
Martyr Raza Jahangir Baloch, Martyr Hasil Qazi Baloch, Martyr Imdad Bojair, Martyr Kambar Chakar, Martyr Dr. Mannan Baloch, Fidaeen Shari Baloch and Martyr Banuk Karima Baloch and all the other martyrs are our national martyrs and heroes. Following their footsteps is an opportunity that paves our way to freedom. Their sacrifices are a source of hope for us and an impetus to win our independence.
Dr. Mannan (Baba) once said in a speech, “The dream that a Baloch envisions to bring out Baloch from enslavement, to gain its liberation back and to bring a prosperous life, will prepare him/herself for struggle and sacrifices because these are impossible to secure without sacrifices.”
In a speech, Baba also said, “Red salute to all the Baloch sons of the soil due to whose sacrifices there is no Pakistani follower in Balochistan today.
In addition, I agree that without sacrifice, it will not be possible to mobilize the nation for the movement of liberation.
In a different speech, Shaheed Baba also stressed, “The movement needs struggle and sacrifices – sacrifices of families, sacrifices of life and sacrifices of luxurious life.”
In one of his speeches, Shaheed Raza Jahangir said, “Martyrdom means giving testimony that we are ready to sacrifice our lives for the freedom of our nation.”
Shaheed Waja Ghulam Muhammad, while addressing Pakistan, once said, “We (Baloch) have declared war against you, and we are ready to sacrifice our lives for freedom.”
Shaheed Lumma-E-Watan Banuk Karima once narrated, “It is not that any person delights in death, but when it comes to land, life’s concerns cease to exist.”
In one webinar, Banuk said, “When we sacrifice our lives for our nation and land, knowing that life is given only once, we attain the great status of martyrdom so that future generations may be aware of the status of our nation and land.”
In its recent statements, BSO-Azad emphasized a sentence, “BSO Azad pays the richest tribute to the brave Baloch martyrs who sacrificed their precious lives for the freedom, national dignity and protection of their motherland.” It means that martyrdom for a Great Cause is a way of sacrifice for the prosperity and dignity of their nation.
And today, the nation is aware and conscious of the struggle for Baloch national independence and is prepared to sacrifice their lives to achieve this end. The Baloch motherland will remain the land of the free only as long as it is the home of the brave.
The philosophy of martyrdom has given a new array of hope to the Baloch national movement. The differences have been overcome to the extent that today we strive towards unity; this is just because of the legacy of the martyrs. In addition to the sacrifice of Baloch youth, the sacrifice of women (Banuk Karima and Fidaeen Shari Baloch) is part of the philosophy of martyrdom. Similarly, Shaheed Ameer-ul-Mulk Baloch’s philosophy of the last bullet is also the philosophy of sacrifice.
We commemorate those who inherited the revolution, who left a legacy unforgotten, and who disregarded rest and happiness. Those who embraced death but never backed down in the war and carried out selfless acts shall remain eternal.
Finally, I would like to conclude that death is a universal truth that cannot be ignored or overridden. Have a death that lasts forever. As Ehsan Baloch quotes, “Death is a truth, so have a death worthy of immortality.”
There is no death but immortality for those who die for their people. The legacy and philosophy of sacrifice shall pave the way for the freedom of our beloved motherland, Balochistan.
I must say: Down with Pakistan.

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