Account of the 1st day of 23rd Council Session of BSO-AZAD

Account of the 1st day of 23rd Council Session of BSO-AZAD

Instead of driving Baloch movement in a specific angle, it needs to be organized within different dimensions:

Chairman Abram Baloch

The 23rd Central Council Session of Baloch Students Organization-Azad is being held in the memory of Lumma-E-Watan Banuk Karima Baloch and Shuhda-E-Aajoii (Martyrs of Freedom), and in the name of the Baloch captives. Today on Monday (April 17), the Central Council Session of the organization officially started with a two-minute silence in the memory of Baloch martyrs and with Baloch National Anthem.
Day one (1) of the twenty-third Central Council Session included the speech of Central Chairman, while councillors debated in details on Constitution Making, Secretary’s Report and Critical Session.
The 1st agenda of the Central Council Session was Chairman’s address, in which Chairman Abram Baloch, while addressing the councillors, said that it is very gratifying to see that the cadres of BSO are completely optimistic even in the harsh situations who have left behind everything and are present in the organizational program. I welcome the fellows of the great ideology of Baloch Nationalism in this ceremony, who have not only crushed down the superciliousness of the enemy – engrossed in attempts to weaken and liquidate BSO for last two decades – but have also set an example for all the counter-revolutionary forces who have always pin-pointed the great National Stance and Ideology, and its actions and policies by giving apprehensions of failure and liquidation and dwindling in the future. Today, I want to convey my message to the revolutionary cadres of BSO in their presence that the way BSO is organized today is unprecedented. The dynamics that BSO is introducing in the Baloch society and the movement are historical which will act as a bridge to attain national independence in the future.
Chairman Abram Baloch further said that we have to reshape our literature and reading standards. For last twenty (20) years, we have been studying such a literature which is uninfluential in the present. For last several years, Baloch youth are reading such movements and people whose nations are either slaves today, or have severely failed in shaping the future of their nations after independence. Therefore, the need of time for the Baloch youth is that they should study those nations and figures who have ensured prosperity for their nations in the modern era. Successful states like Israel, which has a population of ten million, is the most powerful state in the world today and exists in an organized and dynamic form despite the factional attacks of Arab countries, should be studied as ideals and not enemies as how they strengthened and empowered the discriminated and devastated Jews in a short span of time. Similarly, Mao Zedong’s efforts in uplifting the slaves of English and addicted-to-opium China from lower to where they are now – that they are outstaring the super powers of the world. In fact, they are now engaged in efforts to create their own occupied territories. We need to come out of the point of oppressor and oppressed and think, analyse and act according to the Baloch national interests. Europe fought thousands of wars across the world and killed millions of people, but it claims to be the champion of human rights today. Baloch can only achieve its ends by becoming a great power. We will have to confront even worse situations today as compare to what we have lost in last three hundred years in the forms of weaknesses and defeat to the national movement. Baloch youth need to think and reflect on the reasons and failures of the nation, which was once the top power in the region under Noori Naseer Khan, to where it is now. By only becoming a great power, we can assert our rights on human rights to sea and resources.
He said that BSO is the school of Baloch national movement from where Baloch youth and courageous fellows, associated with the movement, spend their energies on the movement by studying their thoughts and ideology. As a school of Baloch national movement, all the programs of BSO-Azad should be based on organizing the Baloch national movement and struggle. The existence of BSO is connected to the Baloch national movement. The more Baloch national movement is active and organized, the higher a role of BSO will be in the Baloch society. As a school, BSO-Azad needs to launch programs to mobilize and organize the consciousness of Baloch national movement among the Baloch youth.
While addressing the councillors, Chairman said that Baloch youth need to understand the difference between duty and responsibility to make the Baloch national movement organized and dynamic. Baloch youth should not only fulfil the formalities in the national movement in the name of duty, but should take bigger responsibilities on their shoulders to organize and mobilize the struggle for Baloch national freedom. When a slave is in a state of war and is occupied by an occupying and oppressive state, then its youth cannot lead the movement towards a logical end by merely fulfilling their duty on formality. Nevertheless, they should shoulder great and important responsibilities to complete the national liberation struggle. Presently, Baloch national movement is facing severe challenges from the enemy, while on the other hand, international powers like China have been active against the Baloch national movement and are fully supporting Pakistan in this war. They are not only financially supported by imperialist states like China but also through technology and other means. In such circumstances, Baloch youth cannot lift the national movement to its logical conclusion by just meeting the formalities, but they should go ahead with important responsibilities related to the movement and spend their energies on making the movement more dynamic and organized.
He further added that following the current needs, only capable and skilled youth could form the movement in an organized manner and could establish alternative forces against the enemies. Therefore, Baloch youth, particularly the youth associated with BSO-Azad, should work on their abilities along with national consciousness. They (youth) should focus on any field they think they can excel in and work systematically there, going along with the Baloch national movement. It is a century of proficient and talented people, where any youth who is ready to sacrifice their life for the Baloch national movement, then it will not be difficult for them to work on their skills. Hence, it needs a lot of attention that the Baloch youth should work hard on their potentials to organize and mobilize the various dimensions of the movement with a heart-felt commitment to the cause and adopt them according to the requirements of the modern era, so that an organized movement could be established.
Chairman Abram further said that non-revolutionary forces are getting organized in the Baloch society day after day, and their behaviors are creating negative impacts in the society. Therefore, Baloch youth, especially the youth of BSO-Azad, should introduce such a radical literature which is the need of the current movement. To counter the negative behaviors of these non-revolutionary and counter-revolutionary forces, BSO-Azad needs to create a systematic and radical literature that can counter these negative behaviors. Whether to call it our misfortune or ignorance, but we have always had such people among us who have always been active against movement and organizations when their interests were not met or their heartfelt desires were not satisfied. Such people are poisonous for the movement, when their heartedly desires are not met and on the basis of their likes and dislikes, they start such activities against the movement and the organization that the negative effects of which directly influence the entire movement. Therefore, in order to counter such behaviors and negative activities of individuals, BSO-Azad should provide a systematic and radical literature to the Baloch youth that can enlighten the Baloch youth in the real sense.
He said that all organisations and parties are respected for BSO-Azad, which are currently linked with the Baloch national liberation movement. The coming leadership of BSO-Azad should inculcate an attitude within the Baloch movement which should not be connected to any specific individuals or sections, but should be for the entire movement as a whole. BSO-Azad is like a school for Baloch national movement, and thence, as a school, it should devote all its energies only to organize and mobilize the national movement. BSO, as an organization, is not a representative of any particular organisation or party, but a representative organization for all the parties and the movement as a whole among the Baloch youth. With this thought and idea, BSO can do activity within the youth in a more organized manner and focus on the movement in a far better way.
Chairman Abram Baloch, while addressing the cadres of BSO-Azad on the occasion of 23rd Council Session of the organisation, further said that Baloch youth, instead of reading the enemy from a specific angle and method, should try to study it from different discourses and angles and analyse it, and need to struggle the same way to organize and form the national movement. Studying and perceiving the enemy from a very specific angle and way is dangerous for the youth because State is not currently active against the Baloch movement in a specific way, but working to counter the Baloch national movement under hundreds of procedures today. And it seems to apply more new methods with each new day. So, the Baloch youth should also study the enemy in various ways and then organize the movement accordingly under various strategies. It is very important for the people associated with the movement to devote their energies in organizing the struggle under the same thought and concern, realizing the modern realms and the requirements in the scientific age, which can yield the best results.
At the end of his address, Chairman Abram Baloch said that my message to the new leadership is that they should perform activities to uplift BSO two steps further after every two-year Council Session. The policies of BSO should not be evolutionary but revolutionary, and should work under revolutionary strategies and policies. BSO should mobilize the youth under the revolutionary process and principles that can give the desired results which the people, associated with the national movement, and the public hope from BSO.
The second agenda of the session was constitution making in which the Secretary General presented the recommendations of the Constitution Committee, while various suggestions were presented by the councillors. Constitutional reforms were made unanimously. The third agenda of the session was Secretary’s Report in which Central Secretary General Mehrzaad Baloch presented the previous biennial central reports, which were later debated comprehensively among the councillors. While the last agenda of today’s meeting was the critical session in which all the councillors actively participated and deficiencies were pointed out. While other agendas of the Central Council Session will be discussed in the next two days.

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