Dumping the mutilated dead bodies in Mand is the continuation of the “Kill and Dump” policy
BSO Azad

Dumping the mutilated dead bodies in Mand is the continuation of the “Kill and Dump” policy.

BSO Azad

The central spokesperson of BSO Azad said while reacting to the extrajudicial killing of already enforcedly disappeared persons and dumping their bodies in the mountainous areas of Mand that state has always resorted to force, killing and looting, and barbarism against the struggle of people. Killing the already forcibly abducted persons in Mand and throwing them in desolations is the continuation of the “Kill and Dump” policy which is prolonged for a long time, but public thoughts and opinions cannot be intimidated with such a heinous act. The people’s struggle for independence has led to the worst oppression and repression from the state, but it is a universal fact the people’s struggle and thoughts cannot be suppressed by force.

The spokesperson said that killing of the already abducted persons in Mand is the proof that lives of all the missing persons in the Pakistani torture cells are in severe danger. On one hand, the missing persons are being killed by CTD (Counter Terrorism Department) in fake encounters, and on the other hand, their mutilated bodies are being thrown; whereas, several people are being handed over to CTD after being forcibly disappeared by making false FIRs. Considering all such steps, it seems that state intends to expand its illegal and inhumane measures.

The spokesperson said that the silence of human rights defenders in Pakistan on grave human rights violation in Balochistan makes it clear that they are tacit supporters of Pakistani barbarism in Balochistan. In the critical conditions, the world should focus on protection of human lives in Balochistan or else barbarism can get intensified.

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