The martyrdom day of Banuk Karima Baloch, December 21, will be observed as “Baloch Women Day” -BSO Azad

The martyrdom day of Banuk Karima Baloch, December 21, will be observed as “Baloch Women Day”

BSO Azad

The central spokesperson of Baloch Students Organization Azad in his statement, while announcing to observe Martyrdom Day of former chairperson of the organization Lumma-e-Watan Banuk Karima Baloch as “Baloch Women Day”, said that the Baloch national leader, Banuk Karima was the symbol of resistance and her struggle was a beacon for all the sections of the nation, particularly the Baloch women. To pay homage to her immortal struggle, her Martyrdom Day will be observed as “Baloch Women Day”

He said that Banuk Karima Baloch was a pioneer leader of the Baloch national movement and she had ignited the Baloch movement with her struggle and sacrifice. She led the Baloch national movement at such a time when the brutalities and oppressions of the tyrant were at peak in the society. In the Baloch society, the cultivation of outdated norms and regressive thinking with the power of the occupier had kept women away from social development and the national struggle, while on the other hand, the state was using severe violence to crush the Baloch national movement. Banuk Karima Baloch tried to organize the Baloch national movement at the historic juncture by removing all the obstacles and wrapping the Baloch youths in an organizational form, striving to further strengthen and consolidate national organizations. The Baloch national movement has become organized and strong today due to her struggle and sacrifices. A large number of Baloch women have become the part of national politics and struggling side by side with men in the Baloch national liberation movement.

He further said that Baloch are such a society whose foundations are based on secular thoughts where Baloch men and women have been struggling together in every era without any gender difference. Baloch national history is witness to the fact that whenever an occupier had tried to look down on the Baloch land, then the Baloch people were fighting the invaders as a whole without any gender, class or tribal distinction. The occupier has always tried to destabilize the Baloch society to ruin this national unity and destroy the nation entirely, which began with the occupation of the British colonialists; and this heinous act was retained after the Pakistani occupation of the Baloch land. Where the change in Baloch psyche and deterioration of the Baloch society were the conspiratorial tactics of the state, the national movement uprooted all such conspiracies. It was Shaheed (Martyred) Banuk Karim Baloch standing in front of all such conspiracies like an iron wall, who led the Baloch national movement and struggled to make the Baloch women stand equal with the men in this great struggle. Banuk Karima Baloch ignited these historic characters who sacrificed their lives in the defense of their land and attained the status of martyrdom. Owing to their sacrifices, millions of Baloch women have lit the candle of liberation.

At the end of his statement, he said that Lumma Banuk Karima was not merely a pioneer leader of the organization but the Baloch nation who set a course for Baloch nation, especially the youths, which ensures national independence, sovereignty and bright future. By dint of their tireless struggle, thousands of women are becoming part of Baloch national politics and leading the national movement. She continued the struggle for the Baloch national liberation till her martyrdom. To pay tribute to these everlasting sacrifices and struggles, the organization announces to observe 21st of December as “Baloch Women Day” and request the Baloch masses to hold ceremonies all over Balochistan on the occasion of this day. Apart from this, all the zones of the organization will conduct programs on 21st of December as “Baloch Women Day” and organization will also run a social media campaign on this day.

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