The youths of the subjugated nations should not be a part of the ongoing state war in Balochistan
BSO Azad

The youths of the subjugated nations should not be a part of the ongoing state war in Balochistan

BSO Azad

The Central Spokesperson of BSO Azad said in endorsement of the statement released by Manzoor Pashteen, the Central Leader of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement that at such a time when all the nations of the region are the victims of the illicit disease of occupation, solidarity and united struggle are becoming inevitable for the nations. The subjugated and oppressed nations, being aware of the oppressions inflicted on them, should refrain from being the vassals of the occupier and hold back from being the part of the process of exploitation on lands of other nations by becoming the axis of the occupier’s power. He further said that the message of Manzoor Pashteen for the Pashtun youths regarding not becoming the part of the ongoing state war in Balochistan was extremely of strong political stand and an important need of the hour. The occupying Pakistani state is currently using the Pashtun youths for the Baloch genocide in Balochistan in a large number by recruiting them in FC. At this time, thousands of “Pashtun soldiers” are playing the role of gluttons in prolonging the Pakistani occupation of the Baloch land. In this situation, the stance from Manzoor Pashteen is not only a welcome but also can prove to begin a new debate in the political arena. At present, oppressed and downtrodden people are not merely feeling the pain of each other but are also showing solidarity and oneness against oppressions and brutalities. Whereas, this artificial state, the formation of which is based on lies, has made different nations part of the federation by force and has been using the oppressed nations against each other as fuel to ignite its occupation.

The spokesperson further said that Baloch, Pashtun and Sindhi are currently subjugated nations whose lands are being exploited by the Pakistani state under various policies to perpetuate the occupation. The occupier has always been using the manpower of other downtrodden nations to intensify its exploitative policies on the Baloch land, and unfortunately, the people of the downtrodden nations, particularly the youths, play their part in state’s Baloch genocidal policy by getting recruited in army. The occupier always fuels the oppressed class along with the subjugated and occupied nations, and the purpose of this action is to use the power of the downtrodden nations against the other subjugated nations in spite of the occupier so that occupation of the occupier may continue. Therefore, the oppressed class of Punjabi has been made a part of the war in Balochistan with the oppressed and subjugated nations on a meager wage under a strategy which is causing distance between the nations and resulting in the prolonging of the occupation.

The spokesperson at the end of his statement said that the need for the occupied and oppressed nation is that by understanding the dirty policies of the occupier, they should not be a part of any such action which is based on the exploitation and oppressions of the other oppressed nations. While a certain section of Punjabi including the Pashtun and Sindhi nations are kept afar from all sorts of employment opportunities, they are sent to Balochistan as a part of the occupying and exploitative army where these people are equally participants of the exploitation of the Baloch land, oppressions on Baloch people, humiliation of Baloch women, violation of honor and respect and the genocide of the Baloch nation.

So, the need of time for political parties of all the subjugated nations including Baloch is to start a political debate to awaken the youths in their regions to prevent them from being used as state fuel. Baloch youths including all the subjugated nations should be aware of the objective of the situation and refrain from joining the regular forces as Army, FC, Rangers, Navy and Air force or refuse to perform duties in Balochistan. However, all the subjugated nations should organize the environment of unity and solidarity among themselves as much as possible to make a united struggle against the oppressions and brutalities.

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