All zones to hold references to pay homage to Dr. Mannan Baloch and the companions
BSO Azad

All zones to hold references to pay homage to Dr. Mannan Baloch and the companions

BSO Azad

The central spokesperson of Baloch Students Organization (Azad) said in his statement while paying homage to Secretary General of Baloch National Movement (BNM) Martyred Dr. Mannan Baloch and the companions on their sixth martyrdom anniversary that the political struggle of Dr. Mannan Baloch is a beacon for the activists of the Baloch national movement. The vacuum which his martyrdom created will take decades to be bridged. All the zones are urged to hold references to pay tribute to the struggles of “Martyrs of Mastung”.

He said that Pakistan forcibly occupied Balochistan on 27th of March, 1948, but the resistance from Baloch nation has begun from day one against the Pakistani occupation of the Baloch land which is continued until now to the freedom of Balochistan. The state has used violence as a weapon to crush the ongoing resistance for Baloch national identity from day one and political leaders and activists were targeted to suppress the political element of Baloch national movement. On one hand, where thousands of political activists have been taken to dungeons extra-judicially, on the other hand, dozens of mutilated corpses of political activists have been thrown; the process is continued till date.

He said that martyred Dr. Mannan Baloch was among the pioneer leaders of the Baloch national movement. He did not quit his political journey even in tough and difficult situations and was always engrossed in uniting people’s powers and connecting them with the struggle. He played a pivotal role in making the Baloch people, particularly the youth, part of the national movement. He was an active character in the Baloch national politics during his student days and began to lead the Baloch national movement by becoming a part of Baloch National Movement (BNM) right after his student career. He continued the act of mass mobilization as a central leader of Baloch National Movement in war and critical circumstances and visited each corner of Balochistan to build in the Baloch nation the consciousness of nationhood.

He said that taking into consideration the ban on political activities in Balochistan and the crackdown on political activists, Martyred Mannan Baloch went underground to continue his political struggle, but he did not give up on it in anyway. Because of continuing the struggle underground and playing an active role in the national movement, the Secretary General of BNM, Martyred Dr. Mannan Baloch was martyred along with four companions, Ashraf Baloch, Sajid Baloch, Hanif Baloch and Babo Nouroz Baloch in Mastung’s Killi Dato.

He said that the political struggle of martyred Dr. Mannan Baloch and philosophy of resistance are the mashale rah for the Baloch youth. References will be organized by the organization in all the zones to pay homage to the struggle of Dr. Mannan Baloch and companions.

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