The silence of international human rights organizations over the Hoshab incident is a question mark on their existence – BSO Azad

The silence of international human rights organizations over the Hoshab incident is a question mark on their existence – BSO Azad

BSO Azad’s central spokesperson expressed his concerns over the gruesome silence of global institutions regarding the heart-wrenching incident that took place in Hoshab, Balochistan. Along with two dead bodies, the family members are sitting in a protest in Quetta for the past few days, but the silence of International institutions raises some questions regarding their existence meanwhile on other hand, their silence is further fueling Pakistani cruelties on Baloch Land every day.

He further said, Pakistan since the beginning of the occupation, is applying different policies of war crimes in Balochistan to counter Baloch’s National resistance. Politics and political activities are banned. Thousands of political workers and political leaders were enforcedly disappeared and their dead bodies were thrown. Apart from that, innocent Balochs including women and children were brutally killed.

Moreover, he highlighted the brutal incident of last week. When Pakistani FC by its traditional practice fired mortar shells on the Hoshab district of Kech. Leaving two kids of the family martyred and one kid seriously injured. Also to hide its war crimes, the state forces have tried to spread fear among the affected family to remain silent. The government officials and officers also tried to silence the family of affectees, thus the family refused silence and chose resistance and marched to Quetta along with the dead bodies and are protesting in Quetta till today.

In addition to state barbarism the Spokesperson said that the Hoshab incident is not a new incident that has ever taken place, state has been doing hundreds of war crimes on daily basis by targeting unarmed innocent Balochs. Such as last year, a student, Hayat Baloch, was soaked in bullets. Baloch code of ethics were broken when Malik Naz was attacked and killed in her home in Kech. Whereas some days before, another woman, TajBibi in the district of Kech was killed by forces.

At the end of his statement, the spokesperson said that such incidents are being new norms across Balochistan. And such incidents clearly show that the state is completely involved Baloch genocide.
The family of Hoshab martyrs are protesting since last week, against Pakistan’s war crimes and its tyrant behavior, while international organizations have completely blanketed silence. Thus, the global institutions must hold Pakistan accountable for its war crimes against the Baloch people.

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